Connie Davis

Chandler High School

Coach: Track, CC, Basketball

"I was in JrH when the Holy Spirit drew me to JESUS on a Sunday morning at church. That was in Haworth, OK. I accepted JESUS as my LORD and Savior at my best friends home, the following weekend. I’ve learned that the LORD has a sense of humor and I believe HE had a big grin on HIS face when I finally took that step of faith. Spending the night with my best friend on that weekend night, I woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. I thought the rapture had taken place and I was left behind! Right then and there I ask JESUS to forgive me of my sins and make me HIS own. I told the LORD, “I know You don’t lie and You promised that if I accepted Your Son’s gift, HE would save me so I’m holding you to Your promise!” I said “amen” and my friend walked through the door. I did a little scream whisper asking where she’d been. Confused, she said, “I went to get a drink of water.” We had a quiet celebration that night knowing we were sisters for eternity. I’ve never looked back since that night."

FCA Role: "I have started 2 different FCA’s and have been a part of 4 different FCA’s as a huddle coach."

Family: Husband, Spencer. 3 Children

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